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Home > english-chinese > "the secret was spread among the crowd" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "the secret was spread among the crowd"


Related Translations:
crowded pinion:  小齿轮组
the cat among the pigeons:  人为刀俎,我为鱼肉
secret key:  暗钥, 密钥秘密关键码秘密键秘密密钥私密金钥
secret book:  仙鹤神针-大结局仙鹤神针新传-上集仙鹤神针新传-下集
bosom secret:  重要秘密。
little secrets:  守密者
secret matter:  秘密事件
secret meeting:  秘密会晤
secret ledger:  机要总帐
secret lover:  精装情不自禁
Example Sentences:
1.The secret was spread among the crowd
Similar Words:
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